Frequently Asked Questions
What is Objective Settings? Objective Setting is the exercise where the objectives for the next financial year is documented at the beginning of the year and the employees performance is reviewed on the validated objectives at the end of the financial year.
What does employee pending mean? The employee has not completed the Objective setting exercise.
What does appraiser validated means ? The objectives submitted by the employee is validated approved by the appraiser.
What does appraiser pending mean ? The objective submitted by the employee is yet to be approved by the appraiser.
What does reviewer validated mean ? The objectives submitted by the employee and appraiser is validated by the reviewer.
What does reviewer pending mean ? The objective submitted by the employee and appraiser is yet to be approved by the reviewer.
When does my objective become validated ? When both the appraiser and reviewer validates the objective it becomes validated.
When does my objective become validated ? When both the appraiser and reviewer validates the objective it becomes validated.